Practical Course: Deep Language Processing using Construction Grammars

We are organising a two-day (6h) practical course on Fluid Construction Grammar. The course is part of the Interdisciplinary College (IK) Spring School in Günne, Germany and takes place on 15-16 March 2017.

For more information, see the following website:

Course Description:

Construction Grammar is an innovative approach to language that focuses strongly on semantics, cognitive processes and learning. As such, it has the potential to lead to more powerful language technologies and more comprehensive accounts of language processing than psychology and computational linguistics are able to offer today. This course will teach its participants how the key concepts of construction grammar can be implemented in computational models for deep language processing that are capable of both comprehension and formulation. Moreover, students will also learn how to implement learning operators for more robust processing, and how to evaluate their grammars. Each session will take the form of a hands-on atelier using Fluid Construction Grammar (FCG), an advanced computational platform for developing constructional processing and learning models.